How to Win a Pitch

Fundamental #1. Present a solution and nothing else.
All too often, people start presentations by talking about themselves. "Before we start, let me tell you about how our company began . . ." Who cares? Your prospect only cares about is how you can save them money, grow their revenues, or reduce their risk. Detail your plan to help your prospect and tell stories about how the plan has worked for others.

Fundamental #2. Keep it simple.
Resist the urge to cover too much ground in the presentation. Pound away at three messages. "We'll build your project on time. We'll meet your budget. We'll deliver quality work." Simplicity always separates you from the competition.

Fundamental #3. Speak with Passion.
If you're one of three firms competing, you know that your competition can do a great job. But as one CEO explained, "When its close, many of the decisions just come down to who connects with us best." Passion in the voice helps you connect.

Fundamental #4. Leave half of your time for questions.
Questions address what your prospect wants to hear. Your answers almost always separate you. Your competition often makes Q&A an afterthought. Consequently, you can gain an advantage by considering the questions on the front-end.

Fundamental #5. Rehearse.
One CEO who has had hundreds of sales presentations stated, "I can always tell who has rehearsed." Most people don't rehearse much. Practicing sets you apart.


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